While googling ourselves
this review of the recent show we played in Toronto surfaced. We were all basically 'bludgeoned' by some dude's bad mood but I've heard worse things said by better people about us. In all honestly though, their bombastic assaults weren't totally off. We're all pretty self-aware, and they're mostly just a self-righteous "arm-crosser".
GACK vs. Beard Closet
Revenge Pregnancy
Castle If
Aunty Panty
ReplyDeleteI wrote that review
(following links and Googling yourself is pretty much even, right?)
I'm not always the clearest, so here goes, cuz I don't like being misunderstood, even though I set my self up for it.
I loved Beard Closet / Gack's set, and I really liked yours too. I was conflicted about Revenge Pregnancy and I wasn't into Castle If.
You caught me, I'm negative/grumpy/mean, but when I say you don't care about musical notes, or call you an atonal bludgeon, I stand behind those descriptions, that was what I was into! Maybe you wouldn't like being called horrible noise, but the mess you get out of that amp and drum kit isn't pretty, and that's why I like it.
Looking forward to you guys coming back to Toronto!